Unpacking the Sewell Report

Online via Zoom

A graphic of a yellow circle around a photo of a sign that says 'End systemic racism'

Date: Friday 9th April 2021
6pm to 7.30pm
Online via Zoom
Please register via Eventbrite.this event is for People of Colour Only.

Inclusive Mosque is convening an online community space for people of colour to hear and hold each other in committed solidarity. This is a space to process our thoughts and feelings on The Sewell Report (Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities Report) and the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill.

Importantly, we can use this opportunity to gather in resistance and determine our own priorities in challenging systemic racism without being led by people who deny our realities.

This will be a community-led space. We will take agenda items from attendees at the beginning of the meeting and Inclusive Mosque staff will chair the discussion but there are no planned speakers or pre-determined agenda items.

As usual, IMI will aim to centre the voices of marginalised people, inviting genderqueer, women, nonbinary, disabled and Black people to take up space here. You do not have to have your camera on during the event.

The discussion will not be recorded. The event will be live captioned. Please only register if you are a person of colour. You will receive a link to the event in the afternoon on Friday.

You are welcome to submit agenda items beforehand by emailing admin@inclusivemosque.org

Photo credit: Clay Banks