Inclusive Halaqa

Inclusive Halaqas are group discussions we convene (almost) every month. We use these spaces to subvert the notion of ‘experts’ in religious authority and instead open discussion on Islamic themes. Our central idea is that we can’t really know Allah, the Qur’an or understand Muhammed (saw) if we don’t understand one another. You’ll find the discussions have gender justice and gender equity at the heart i.e. the belief that all people are equal to one another in Islam and to acknowledge this equality, we need more equitable systems in our homes and institutions.

A halaqa is a group discussion gathering for the purpose of collectively understanding themes within Islam, the Quran and sunnah (the example of the Prophet Muhammad), and as with all IMI events, Muslims of all denominations are welcome to join. No prior knowledge is necessary.

We do require everyone to book which helps us manage numbers. The halaqas are in high-demand so please book as soon as possible, once tickets have run out, the event is at capacity so we won’t be able to squeeze anyone in last minute. You can find all our upcoming events on our Eventbrite page.

One third of the people who come to Inclusive Mosque cannot afford to purchase a ticket to our events. Would you consider becoming a regular donor to help us meet costs and continue providing events that challenge patriarchal